Datango Robot 01

datango live!

Would you like to individually support your users with customized learning content?

Do you want your e-learning content, user manuals, online help, etc. to be used regularly in your daily work? datango live! offers software live support for your users.

Product overviewContact

Software Live Support with datango:Supportive help at the right time

Our context- and application-sensitive user assistance recognizes in real time which application is being used and provides the end user fully automatically with: Relevant learning content, documentation, live help

datango live! is an online support software that uses fully automated documentation and live help to ensure that your created learning content is actually used. Your end users have the option to always play the appropriate learning sequence and thus receive relevant help at the moment of need.

How does our Software Live Support work?

With just two clicks, users receive individual, relevant, context-sensitive help at the moment of need through our Software Live Support:

  • Content Delivery
  • Content Order
  • Content Distribution
  • Content Search/Request & Rating

Our live! Support Software is Application-Independent

Our live! Support Software "datango live!" appears in the foregound of the screen. The live! Support Software recognizes the application, context and process being carried out by the user. Based on this information, datango live! automatically provides the end user with all revelant content. Including all media types, different eLearning Modes and Documentation - whether created with datango or another solution - can be linked and launched immediately in a browser or with datango live!

E-learning Optimization

In addition to retrieving content, datango live! also offers a "Request Content" function. With this, learning content can be requested directly to the responsible authors. In addition, there is the option of sending feedback on each learning unit directly to the team of authors. Your employees can actively participate in the improvement and optimization of your e-learning management.

Synergy Effect

Companies are often faced with the challenge of operating with multiple softwares for all core processes. datango live! counteracts this. Our live! Support software is adaptable and can be combined with your existing systems. Take the Learning Experience to a whole new level: for example, connect datango live! to your ticket system. If an error message appears during an application process, your employee can use the "Request Ticket" function, to directly send an error message with a screenshot without having to switch between applications.

Would you like to know more about our products?

Click on Learning Management System or Authoring and Documentation Solution. If you have any questions about our products, please contact us.

Authoring and documentation solutionlearning management system