Increase employee acceptance with software rollout tool - for successful knowledge management!
Do you need sound support with regard to knowledge preservation because a software rollout with complete replacement of old computer systems or programmes with new hardware and software is imminent in your company? Then it is time to think about good knowledge management! We give a brief overview of what good knowledge management is and how you can succeed in a good software rollout!
Knowledge management is an umbrella term for all strategic or operational activities and management tasks that aim at the best possible handling of knowledge. This also includes internal training that strengthens the knowledge of employees using your internal knowledge.
We at datango know: Good knowledge management is essential for companies that want to grow. A successful software rollout for the introduction of new programmes represents a process from planning to user training and support. Training in particular is often a major obstacle, because employee acceptance of software rollouts is not automatic. Many companies have to face this when new software is introduced.
Good rollout management software can help. Inacceptance by employees poses great challenges for a company and its employees. A software rollout within a necessary digitalisation strategy must be well planned and structured from the beginning. Especially in the case of e-learning training. Because one thing is certain: a successful software rollout stands and falls with end-user acceptance!
How does efficient knowledge management work?
In order to make a software rollout effective, it is worthwhile to have a well-founded knowledge management. Because targeted knowledge management not only increases the success and efficiency of your processes, it also puts you in a stronger position in all areas of the company.
Barriers to easy implementation of digitisation strategies are, for example:
- Lack of a strategically defined approach to the project to address all impacts.
- Lack of budgets
- Fear of security risks
- Insufficient training/education
- Lack of professional resources
Knowledge management is based on various pillars. The core statements of knowledge management can be summarised in a few points:
First of all, knowledge preservation is of high importance. This means capturing, documenting and managing existing knowledge. There must therefore be a software rollout tool in which the company's knowledge can be stored and which is available on demand at any time.
The right learning platform then makes knowledge transfer easy and structured. Making the right knowledge available is a matter of organisation. Simple access often makes complicated paths easier. Employees of the company should have easy access to knowledge regardless of time and place, even across different departments or locations.
Furthermore, it must be noted that new knowledge acquisition is most successful when employees are introduced to the new knowledge in a sustainable way. This means that knowledge must always be communicated in a comprehensible way. It must be adapted to the learner's level of knowledge and learning progress. This is the only way to ensure successful learning progress.
Finally, there must be a sound strategy in knowledge development . Planning is enormously important here. Joint development of knowledge with innovative approaches to solutions is, at best, the resulting consequence.
In practice, however, the following problem often arises: there is often a lack of acceptance among employees for software rollouts. There are many reasons for this. An analysis of why employees are demotivated is worthwhile. In this way, the cause can be found and, at best, counteracted.
The power of habit plays a big role. Employees have their own processes, routines and ways of working. If these are interrupted or they are forced to adopt new ways, there is little enthusiasm. Processes that have to be learned anew require a change of habits. And - to put it bluntly - nobody wants to do that. Knowledge transfer must therefore be as attractive as possible and, in the best case, even fun.
Existential crises also often arise in connection with further training, as employees may become redundant due to technical progress. Here it is up to the company itself to deal with such a situation in the best possible way so that frustration and demotivation do not arise.
Finally, fear of the unknown also plays a role in why employees do not want to accept training.
Finally, team spirit also plays a decisive role in training. If the majority of the company is interested in the training, then the others will quickly be carried along. The participants should therefore be convinced of what they are working on. For this, they should be actively involved.
Successful software rollout: What to do about employee unacceptance
There is a solution for every problem. Acceptance among employees is usually surprisingly high even with just a few small changes. First of all: As soon as you know that a software rollout is imminent, you should plan and prepare it well and, above all, communicate it! This means that you should not make an ad-hoc changeover, but rather implement everything step-by-step and ideally prepare employees for an upcoming rollout in good time.
It has also proven useful to have a personal discussion with the employees. This creates a good feeling, gives security and makes the process more personal. Intensive training and education measures in the blended learning concept even before the introduction remove uncertainties and shorten the familiarisation phase.
When end users feel observed, it elevates the learning process. Give employees enough time to familiarise themselves with the training. Without observation!
Another approach is to test in advance for user-friendliness. Processes should be as simple and intuitive as possible. One possibility would be to introduce test groups that check the application of a course beforehand.
Successful knowledge transfer also includes a good contact person within the company who is available to answer questions in case of doubt. This also includes good management to create a structural and corporate cultural change.
What else is helpful:
Fast on-boarding
New staff members are assigned specific courses and can thus be quickly trained in processes and procedures.
Relieving the Help Desk
Quick knowledge retrieval and easy access to answers (especially in the IT sector) is made possible by the help desk. Employees are relieved and can concentrate better on the job.
Rapid availability of information
Employees from different areas get quick access to information from their own or other areas through structured knowledge management.
Access to knowledge supports the acquisition of new competences. Competence enhancement promotes the innovative spirit of your company, e.g. by improving your product and thus increasing your competitiveness.
Low opportunity costs
Employees can access knowledge independently to solve problems. This way, they do not seek help from other departments and are not distracted from the day-to-day business.
At datango, we know what challenges a successful software rollout entails. That's why we stand by our customers in all problems and questions. Are you planning a software rollout? Then get in touch with us now:
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